Probus Club of Northampton

For over 50 years the Probus Club of Northampton
 has been providing monthly companionship for retired and semi-retired men
 from many walks of PROfessional and BUSiness life, 
with the aim of helping to fill the void left after 
 their working lives have come, or are coming to an end. 
Along with this meeting-up of like-minded people there comes a delicious 2 course meal
and a presentation  of excellent speakers on a whole variety of interesting subjects. 
Following a recent decision to extend membership to ladies 
who are also from similar backgrounds to our existing Probus members, 
we hope to encourage even greater diversity.

The Probus organisation is nationwide with international clubs as well, 
but each club is autonomous, has its own committee, makes its own rules 
and members can have a voice on how the club is run. 
We hold our luncheons on the first Thursday of each month 
(January meeting is held on the Second Thursday )
at the Freemasons Hall, Sheaf Close in Duston (NN5 7UL),
 and meet up from 11.30am. for lunch at 12 noon. 
The atmosphere is relaxed and friendly and we warmly welcome new members. 
If this is something that you feel could enrich your time in retirement 
but would first like to see for yourself what is on offer before you join, 
please let us know and we can book a lunch for you. 
This can be arranged through our 
Club Secretary, Stan Brown, 
who can be contacted by 
e-mail at:- stanb5050@outlook,com

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